Monday, July 30, 2012

Going to the movies

One of the best movies I have seen in a long time!
Finally over a month after surgery I went to the movie theater and saw a movie! My family and I went to see "The Dark Knight Rises" it was really good. Of course no trip to the movies can happen without incident. While squirming around my brother knocked over the popcorn and spilled it all over the floor.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Returning to my room

Yesterday my parents took my brothers bed out of the living room and I moved back up to my room. The first of my sterri strips fell off too, now just about 20 more to go!  I am starting to get back my normal life.    

My friend Hope and her mom Kim came to visit. We took them to our pool  and then out to eat at Monical's pizza.  They were excited to eat at Monical's because they don't have one in their town in Indiana.  We got caught in a huge rainstorm as we were leaving.  The rain was so heavy, it was bouncing off car roofs and people were running through giant puddles and getting soaked.  We all laughed at this man that came to pick up his pizza and got really mad at the rain situation.  He was swearing and stomping around deciding what to do to get his pizza to his car.  It was very funny.

Me, Hope & Julia at Holland's eating ice cream cones.

The next day we hung out in my room and talked, Hope is a lot of fun to be with.  We went swimming again and then watched to Olympic opening ceremony together.  Kim and my mom made us a delicious cookie cake with m&m's on it for the olympic rings.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Birthday Devin

Today is my friend Devin's birthday. We spent the day together with our friend Kendra at the pool.  They kept me company when I was sitting in my chair under the umbrella.  I spent about half the time under my umbrella and the other half in the water.  They saved me from some crazy boys trying to get on a raft that kept splashing us and then almost ran me over.   Luckily Kendra and Devin pushed the raft far away from me.  On the way home we stopped at Emo's and got some kit kat wizards.  I'm getting tired of being at home in my bed.  Each time I go out of the house we try something just a little bit more than the time before.  My next goal is to get well enough to go to a movie.

Happy Birthday Devin - you are an awesome friend!  I hope you had a great day today.  :) Kate

Going to the pool

Since my monicals adventure was a success my family and I decided to try to go to the pool for a couple hours. My mom even brought a special chair for me to sit in and a squirt bottle for if I got hot. I stayed at the pool for two hours before I started to get tired and then my mom took me home.

Getting out and about

Monicals = :)

After I started to feel a little better my family and I went out to monicals pizza, but it was no easy feat before I could even go I had to practice sitting for longer periods of time. In the end though it was worth it and I was happy to be out and about.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

face off

We had a Piper vs. Hartke Mario Kart face
off when my cousins came to visit me.

Mario Kart
When the light turns green,
all eyes are on the screen.

Turtle shells are blue, green, or red,
going for people up ahead.

Rainbow ramps make you speed,
try hard to get to the lead.

If your up in first,
blue turtle shells are the worst.

Banana peels make you spin,
and everybody aims to win.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Today some of my best friends came over to hang out with me.  It was really fun.  We just watched movies and talked.  My friends have been so supportive and helpful throughout my recovery.  Everyday someone comes over to keep me company and it has made this so much better for me.  I think my friends have figured out that my mom brings home Imo's ice cream on days that Jack and Julia have swim team practice for me and whoever is here with me :D

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Walking down the street

Last night I went on a walk with my dad down the street. It felt really good to get out of the house and walk around for a while! I want to say thanks again to everybody for reading my blog and coming to see me! It really helps keep me occupied!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


While laying in bed today I wrote this poem...

Waves crash along the shore,
surfers wanting lots more.

The sun is out and shining bright,
boarders catch the waves just right.

People tanning all around,
sand castles on the ground.

Kids out hunting for shells,
ice cream venders try to sell.

During the day it get hotter and hotter,
then the red sun disappears behind the water.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Let freedom ring

Today I left the house for the first time since my surgery.  I went to a pool party and got in the pool with my friends.  It felt really good because the pool made my body feel so much lighter.  I really enjoyed just being out of the house and hanging out with my friends.

Everyone made me a comfortable spot to sit.  This chair is great, they even brought out a fan and put in on me so I wouldn't get too hot.

In the pool with my friends

A poem I wrote this afternoon


Temperatures rise and pools get filled,
chicken is on the grill.

Kids jump off the diving board,
the woods are being explored.

Bags have goggles and sunscreen,
laying on chairs are tanning teens.

Pools filled to the max,
fireworks make loud cracks.

The sun is out and shining bright,
kids are playing day and night.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

never stop improving

I'm getting better everyday! Now I'm able to get up out of chairs and my bed all by myself! I am so happy that I can also shower by myself! My body continues to get better everyday and I'm even going to a friends house for a pool party on the Fourth of July! I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stay since I'm still kind of weak but it will be nice to get out of house even if it is just for a little while.  Thanks to everybody who has brought delicious foods,came to visit me, and read my blog. It means so much to me! 

I wrote this poem today...

Birds flutter and fly around,
feet never touching the ground.

Flowers rise up everywhere
and clever foxes sniff the air.

Bunnies hop all around
on the green,grassy ground.

Out come cautious deer,
finally Spring is here.