Monday, June 18, 2012

Goodbye brace....Hello corset

Today my mom could not find the orthopedic center and we were 15 minutes late to my appointment. On the way there I learned some new vocabulary, my mom drove off a curb, and she did a giant u-turn all while using her iphone map app. After we got there a nice doctor tried on my corset and told me about it. Then he showed me how to adjust it by myself. The corset is soft but has two metal sticks that slide into the back for support. The corset is to support my back and to remind me I am not supposed to do a lot of activity. I am to wear it for around 4 weeks. To get it to me it will be delivered to the hospital in a box the day after surgery. The physical therapist will put it on me and adjust the metal sticks to the shape of my body.

Getting measured for my corset.
Learning how to adjust my corset.

My old brace.
Thank goodness I don't have
 to wear that anymore!


  1. What a great writer you are Kate! I could totally picture your mom in that situation. Enjoy your new corset~

  2. I hope your corset is much more comfortable then your brace!!!! All your friends will be supporting you<3(Brynn N,Devin L,Kendra J,Nina B,Hannah M,Kara J,and Payton L! We <3 you Kate,You will do GR8 during surgery:)
    My aunt Tracy had back surgery and she said I couldn't feel a thing.And now her back is better! So don't worry about a thing you are in good hands.The doctor wouldn't let anything bad happen to you,remember he has been doing this for a long time! so he knows what he is doing:)

    *The Jackson's:)
