Saturday, June 23, 2012

She's back ...

She's got a book ... now I know I've got my girl back

Last night she finally beat the pain!  She had a great night.  From now on during the day she will be on the morphine pump during the day and then a very strong pain medication and a muscle relaxer will be added around 9 pm to keep her pain reasonable throughout the night.  

She and I have been laughing this morning at some the funny things she has said and done during the night while on a lot of pain meds.  One night she loudly volunteered the spelling of our last name randomly in the middle of the night.  I woke up to "PIPER ... P-I-P-E-R", I guess she thought a nurse was in the room and asked for it.  That was a good one but she may have beaten it last night by announcing she was a yoga instructor and then a few hours later saying "ok mom" before putting her iv tube on her arm up to her lips like a straw.  She was thirsty and thought it was me standing next to her doing our normal routine of me holding her cup by her face and her using a straw to drink.


  1. Yay for you! The girls can't wait to see you.

  2. That it funny! I can not wait to see her!

  3. I am also so glad she had a peaceful night!

  4. I was soo exited I got to go see you today,you look really good and are doing a great job fighting the pain!!!!! I have never met someone as brave and as strong as you!!! You are a great person and sooo tough! Keep it up and before you know it you will be home!!!!!!!!!:)
    Love ya,Brynn

  5. It was so wonderful to see your smile today, Kate.

    xoxo Nina and Penny

  6. Hey Kate P-I-P-E-R.... Haha. It was great to see you. You are remarkable!!!! Love ya

  7. Kate - You are doing such an amazing job after your surgery. Lindsey and Connor have been thinking a lot about you and we are all keeping you in our prayers. Keep up the great work, Kate. You are such a brave young lazy!
