Sunday, June 24, 2012

Happy Day!

It's Kate again!  I want to thank everyone for putting me in your prayers, visiting me and reading and commenting on my blog.  Your support has really helped me get through this and recover.  I can't believe how many people have reached out to me and read my story.  

Today I finally got all of my tubes and lines out.  I am feeling a lot better and it is nice not to have to unplug four different machines and drag an iv cart with me every time I get up.  The nursing staff here has been really nice and helpful.  I might get to go home tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to being in my own house and seeing my kitty.

I want to share some before and after pictures so you can see just how bad my curve was and what is like now.

one week before surgery
immediately following surgery
The white lines you see in the surgery picture are the rods they used to straighten my spine.  The circular places along it are the screws they used to hold the rods in place.  There are also bone grafts that will encourage bone growth to further connect my spine to the rods.  

These are two of the screws they used in my back
but had to take out because they were too close to my nerves.
I still have a hard time believing this thing I've been so afraid of is over and I don't have to worry about it anymore.  Throughout the entire experience I always had family, friends and  the best doctors and nurses around me supporting me and helping me through.  I'm so grateful for all of them.

And the best news of all...

Right before surgery they measured me at the hospital.
I was 5' 1/4" tall

Today I measured 5' 3"!

This recovery would have been so much harder without the all the support and laughs from my friends and family.  I appreciate every single person that cared enough about me to follow my blog and pray for me.


  1. Kate im soooo happy for you! Im glad you did well and, the good news its all over now! I hope i can see you soon(: -sydney cavanaugh

  2. Congrats Kate!!! You really worked hard this past week and you stayed strong!!! I can't wait to see you again!!!! Keep up the good work, keep staying strong!!! Love ya, Hannah

  3. Wow Kate great job. I can't belive how great you did. You have always been such an amazingly smart girl and during this you knew The docs knew what was best for you even though it hurt. I could've never done that. Great job. Glad its over.
    -Gabe F. :)

  4. Great job Kate. You have done so well through the last few days. And I am so glad that you get to go home in a few days. I know you will have a fast recovery. You are amazing!
    - Payton L.

  5. So happy you are able to post again, Kate! So happy the surgery is behind you and that you grew~ We'll keep on praying for you to have a swift recovery. The Barnett Family
